
Friday, November 16, 2012

Let's see where it goes

So I finally got off my digital butt and sent a Hispanic Republican organization an email. I told them how this last election has put a flame under my feet and I am ready to jump in and do my part. I expected a flowery thanks and what I got was thanks for becoming a member. I think it was computer generated so I wrote back, no I want to get politically involved, run for office and the like. I expected nothing back of course but the next day I got a personal email asking me for a bio and what offices I was willing to run for. I was like, oh man this could be it. Ever since I found out my father had been involved in politics in Puerto Rico I wanted to follow in his footsteps. As an alcoholic he could never reach the leadership positions so he served as press secretary and director of HUD for numerous counties on the island. I have felt the calling to be a Congressman or Senator for twenty years. Life often gets in the way and after numerous forks in the road I finally feel I am ready to make that commitment. Then it hits you. What about all the crap I have done up until the day you declare your nomination for whatever you run for?

I started thinking about ex wives, ex girlfriends, no I have no ex boyfriends. What would people say who have had contact with you throughout your life? If the media were able to interview each and everyone of them, would it be positive. Person after person rolled through my mind and I cringed at some of the things people were saying about me. Then I had another thought. I am not running to be a role model. I am not running because I am the purest. I am not running because I am this anointed human being, we already have that. I am running as the street wise guy who has been there done that and can really feel your pain. I think in my short forty three years of life I have experienced every single positive and negative human experience one could have. That savvy is what the nation needs, not some slick lawyer or poli-sci major. The nation needs a guy that remembers what a food stamp looks like and eating government cheese. The nation needs a guy who that against all educational odds rose above his predicted station. I know failure and I know success. What the nation needs is someone like me who never, ever, ever, quits.

Arrogant, maybe a little. I say it's confidence. Who's even saying it has to me just me. There have got to be millions of Joe the Plumber types. Regular citizen politicians who if they all got together and fired every regular politician would have the nation turned right around in ninety days. Why do we vote for the pinhead? The guys with the fancy schooling and credentials. What have they gotten us in the last thirty years? I can see it now. Instead of meeting in the capital we all meet at the local coffee houses. I guess we can Skype if there needs to be a exchange of ideas. A hot cup of coffee, some spirited discussion, a vote, bam business done. No filibuster, no procedure, maybe a fist fight or two but these types of folk want to get the job done. OK every once in a while we could clean up and do some honor to a vet in the capitol that's what those places should be for to honor Americans not house the apathetic law makers we now have. I say Rick Perry has it right. Politicians should be part time. Come together a few months a year then go home and work. No way to get disconnected, no way to not understand what's happening in the community. I wonder. I am getting ahead of myself. I am just hoping for a callback.

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