I fail on a daily basis. Throughout my life I think back to the times I failed and it instills fear. The fear of being in a cycle of failure and defeat. What if we never let our children or those we love fail. A news report about a school where everyone was a valedictorian struck a cord. Again the mirage of "Equality" shows it deceptive face. This school does not participate in reality. Realism combats this philosophy by taking the veil off and exposing the lie that this social engineering attempts. Realism judges each person on their merits as compared to their peers. There are natural winners and losers. Stars are born, stars die. Species come then are extinct. Nature favors the strong. I am by no means a Nietzschean, however we need to embrace the idea that we are constantly surviving. If we are victorious in our daily survival then we can strive to then excel. Failure is the forge of our mental strength. Failure burns away the impurities. We also have to except that there is permanent failure. However morbid or macabre that is reality. We will never be equals. The hope is that we can be the best "I" we can be.
C.S. Lewis said that teaching children "You're just as good as anyone else" in school was dangerous, and I agree. People start to feel entitled to all sorts of things they haven't earned.