
Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I am the cook in this house. Yes I really do use adobo in nearly every meal. I love the stuff. Just like the bottle says it goes in anything. My cooking comes from abuela. I even stir the rice the way she did not that it makes it taste better, but because she did it. So what if I can let my kids emulate me in my way of thinking. If I can just let them watch me do politics not just speak politics. At least on my end I can end the generational curse of dependency that our people have. I already see it in my oldest son. What a work ethic both in school and on the athletic field. I wish he`d bring some of that home and clean his room, but hey two out of three ain't bad. So my fellow Ricans or Latinos or whoever else is reading this. Do politics in front of your children that is "Real". Teach them about "Realism" in your own way and style. Get them started about knowing that no one is equal and that life is not fair, and it will liberate them.

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