
Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I remember going to the bakery at zero dark thirty in Bayamon, Puerto Rico to pick up bread a half gallon of milk. Milk on the island is about six buck a gallon, so you squeeze that plastic for every drop. Who goes and buys fresh bread any more? Latinos do, it's tradition, it`s familiar. Another thing that`s traditional and familiar is entitlement. So I am not a statistician, but I believe the percentage of people on government entitlement programs in PR are almost fifty percent. This has been going on for generations. It is now part of our culture to have a hand out and our hope dead. How do Latinos free themselves of this man-made slavery. Remember yesterday I wanted to redefine a word? I wanted to turn the word "Realism" into a political term. I think once we embrace this new political way of thinking we`ll be free. So here we go. Imagine a system where no one is expected to be equal. There are no advantages for being anything. Skin color, gone. Sexual orientation, gone, disability, gone. Any manner of leg up or affirmative action is eliminated. We live in the real world where everyone is different. I am a 6'1 270 martial artist with weapons and defensive tactics experience. How many would physically and practically be my equal in those respects? I created my advantage by working hard, training and educating myself. To use some really poor English, no one ever gave me nothing. So "Realism" is the acknowledgement that we as a species are unequal and that only through hard work, struggle, competition, and at times violent and non violent combat we can succeed. What would that do to every job interview that took place today if everyone practiced "Realism". You would look around at all the different colored faces and know that all of that doesn't mean a damn thing. That the toil you endured to get to that interview and the non violent combat you will use to convince those to hire you is what matters. Simple isn't it. If I work harder, fight harder, improve myself by any means necessary, I will be successful. More in a moment.

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