I don't want to make it sound as if we should all become politicians. What I am saying is, that if we want to have a more functional way of government in our countries, we are going have to get involved in politics. We can no longer keep what we believe a secret. So just as we began with conversation to help conversion, we continue discussing freedom at the workplace, bar, etc. So our educating of other IS our politics. Naturally there will be those that don't care or don't want freedom. Realism is about working around others not forcing them to participate. Remember that the right of the individual is the prime directive of our new principle. So applying it is our first goal. How?
Can a plumber or a barber or a butcher use these new found freedoms in their lives. Maybe. That's reality it may not work for everyone. Should our friends at a nuclear power plant operating the cooling of the fuel rods not have very clear and restrictive and precise rules? Man I really think so. Should the guy who wants to plant a pecan tree in his yard in instead of
Oak have his home taken away by a neighborhood association? Hell no, this is the type of statute that practicing realist would immediately eliminate if in power. In all things there are balances, even freedom must have defined parameters. Case by case basis. Realism is not easy, it puts the burden back on ourselves to be more responsible and more productive.
Opt in or out, we don't care. Just as long as others do not impede our decision to practice true free, we won't bother their slavery. Though it hurt us and there are many in our ranks who are heros and want to save them, some will have to be allowed to live out their lives in their mental chains. So if we the regular citizen wants freedom we just cannot cast a blind eye to it any longer. To steal a line from the department of homeland security, "if you see something, say something". If you see or know of injustices that take away your freedom, stand up and say something. Write, email, go to town meetings, vote, be active. That's how those of us that don't want to lead practice Realism, they speak up. Will you keep quiet from now on?
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