
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Verbal vomit

Not so easy to define a new political ideology. It sounded good in my head at least. All my personalities agreed that it seemed very well intentioned. Realism is about politics for and in real life. These Utopian ideas of men being as one, classless societies, workers of the world unite, impossible. What is constant in man is his nature to want better for himself and the one's he is responsible for. Primitively that meant food, fuel, shelter. Today, well, damn it it's the same thing. When a group or class of people felt that their needs were not being met, they rose up and changed the way things were. They didn't seek an accommodation from the oppressors. No I am not advocating a government overthrow. What I feel is necessary is the action of doing for yourself, creating your own opportunities through non violent combat and competition. If someone at work makes more then you, don't whine about the inequities. Get a better degree or work harder. Don't demean yourself by putting your handout. Folks be patient. What's in my head will get out sooner or later. Hopefully not like the verbal vomit of my last post.

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