
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Newyorrican no more.

I apologize for the late start. My children, groceries, and my BJJ purple belt training ate up my time early this morning. Thank you to all of you now in Puerto Rico who are taking a look at ricantotheright for the first time thank you.

Just the perfect segway this morning into how Realism would have a positive effect on civil liberties. I woke up this morning to the sounds of freedom gurgling for air in the streets of New York City. I grew up in the Bronx in the late 70's and Long Island in the 80's and see just how far it has come. From the burnt out buildings of the 1977 blackout. To now the glits and glamour of post 9/11 NYC. The last few years Mayor Bloomberg has gone on a campaign, I dare say a war against who he thinks are the unhealthy, fat, and unattractive of the city. Mayor Bloomberg has taken it upon himself to tell citizens of an alleged free society today what types and how much they can consume in sugary drinks. The founding fathers are throwing up in their graves. To think that after New York has lost almost 4 million residents due to high taxes. So sodas are persona non grata, the real enemy of what ills the big apple? So let us pretend for a moment that through our education and conversations we have propeled one of ours into the Mayors mansion in NYC.

Day one, every regulation that impedes or infringes on civil liberties and the choices of adults would immediately be up for repeal or if legislatively possible signed away by executive order. Who are we leaders to tell free men and women what they can drink, eat, smoke. Business owners would immediately feel the influx of new patron because of the freedom to cook with the ingredients they feel make their foods taste good. Patrons would self regulate. If you don't like smoking restaurants will have a non smoking section to make money or go find one yourself. Less government regualtions lead to more personal responsibility.

Remember there is a ban in New York on Trans Fats, moronic. A salt restriction, size limit to sugared drinks.  The Realist as mayor would be pulling their hair out in the mayors office trying to find the fastest way to kill these laws. Hey if you don't want fat in your food, find a place that doesn't serve it. Too much salt, how about telling the waiter, "excuse me light on the salt please". "It's for the good of the public"! They will cry. The only one who can tell what is good for us is God and he's not the mayor of New York or is he? It gives me the feeling of being cattle or a herd of sheep. Your too stupid and irresponsible to make wise decisions for yourself is what politicians like Bloomberg are saying. I say that as a collective consciousness New Yorkers are smarter, better looking, and in better shape than the anointed leaders of the big apple.

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