
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.

What use is all the angst and anger I feel sometimes towards my fellow human? I walk around and look at empty faces and empty lives knowing so many people really could care less of what is happening around them. In the macro sense, the big picture, us as a whole. I purposely get involved because of my deep sense of being a knight in shining armor. That if I wade in sword flying on my white horse into the enemy front, I will inspire those asleep or scared behind me to act. The fear of people like me is that when we look back as we have charged forward in courage, is that the line behind us hasn't moved. I do not feel that I have a God given gift to lead men as those on the left feel they are anointed with. What I feel I do have is the courage to speak out boldly against the direction our nation is headed to. Socialism will be the death and has been the death of thousands, and if I know and am aware shouldn't I cry out.

So many throughout history have jump on a rock or a stair or a soapbox and yelled at his fellow man to wake up that the end is near. Most have been dragged away in chains and labeled kooks, criminals, or crazy. I'm not a criminal! By no means am I claiming some Messianic anointing. I don't want followers, I want all of you to wake the hell up. I want you all in your respective countries to have the courage to even start a conversation about the reality of your enslavement. So not everyone can be the warrior, or soldier, but some of you can be the writers, the philosophers, that ask the questions which began to question the establishment. It is the people who our constitution granted powers to. The people have been for too long quietly pushed out of the system, as I explained in yesterdays writings. What would be so hard for us, or risky, to just write a letter or send and email? One person, one foot in front of the other, the snowball rolling down the hill effect.

So what has all my rage done? Have I shown enough disgust in what I write,  to get you all to even begin a conversation of what is being done to keep each of you prisoners in a cell less prison? Have I spoken enough about having a more Realistic ideal of how our politics, of our lives. I do not want to be part of the this machine anymore. I want to be a part of a rebirth, a retooling of America. When an engine gets old, you send it to the machine shop to get rebuilt. Our block is still good, we just need to bore it out, put some bigger pistons (Realism), a stronger camshaft (Liberty) and a supercharger(free trade). Take that fresh engine put some premium in and slam the pedal to the metal and get America back to the greatness it once had.


  1. Americans have always been their own leaders. Assuming that's still true :) you don't have to be a leader, all you have to do is speak out. In doing so, you are showing your natural leadership talent. Trust the Lord. He brought you through the Air Force and through Dallas PD for a reason, and that honed the skills He wanted you to have.

    In the Soviet Union, they bowed down to Lenin. In China, they bow down to Mao. In North Korea, it is Kim Il-sung and his son and grandson. In Cuba, it is Fidel. The Muslim world boasts of Mohammed, and the Nazis had their Fuehrer.

    What is right with America is that we realize that we don't need anyone like that; indeed, those people are the problems, not the cures. We realize that ordinary people are the real superheroes. It was ordinary people who spent the winter at Valley Forge, ordinary people who fought at Gettysburg, ordinary people who stormed the beaches at Normandy and Iwo Jima.

    And, it is ordinary people like you storming the beaches right now that are going to win back freedom and preserve it for another generation.

    You are more of a leader and more of a hero than you may realize. Thank you for your past and continued service to this country.

  2. Thank you for you kind words. I will use them to focus on the positive.
