
Monday, June 11, 2012

Let's pull the plug.

Intellec. Conserv.: Liberalism is Terminally Ill #tcot #azright -- Rachel Alexander (@Rach_IC).

So I am slowly branching out to look at the writings and thoughts of others of conservative ilk. After reading some of the horror stories of what left wingers are doing to conservative bloggers I have been apprehensive to really be confrontational on the blog. I really want to. I am aggressive and in your face by nature, but after those SWATTING incidents a few months ago it makes sense to hold back. The mental illness that is liberalism is just doesn't understand rational arguments or sees the others side. The goal of these very sick people is to control and conquer and place themselves in power at all cost.

I think you have to go back to the McCarthy error to equal the repercussions of having a differing viewpoint. I have no issues with others expressing their political ideas, no matter how subversive I may think they be. As long as you don't begin to intrude on my comfort or business got at it. Your speech does not nothing to me. I believe how I want to believe. The fear that those on the left show to speech is infantile. Legislation has even been proposed to equalize conservative speech on the airwaves. Since the American population is slowly turning and rejecting Liberalism and changing the dial, leftist see it as their mission to forcibly redirect the stream of information by handcuffing free expression. Collectively we have to expose these impositions to our freedoms by voting these manipulators out and sharing their plans to the public. 

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