
Monday, June 11, 2012


We are seeing the death of a currency. The Euro was a nightmare that was sold as a dream. To think that uniting the intangible of sovereign nations into a currency was lunacy. Each nation has it's own values and personality and should be allowed to value money with something of substance and not this imaginary "good credit and faith". What the hell is a credit anyway? Can you touch it, smell it, eat it? This is the weakness of a centralized monetary policy that does not attach itself to something of value.

In Realism the system would base it's notes of trade on the demand for objects of value in our borders and boundaries. If gold, then gold, if oil, then oil. That gives the note the flexibility to evolve with the what is needed in the world at that time and place. It also leaves us free pursue trade with countries in just commodities, there would be little room for a trade partner to manipulate their currency to imbalance the market. We could respond to those actions with immediate revaluation of our notes.

A central repository for these items of value? I am not sure our system would require a central bank or reserve due to it being a note that evolves and changes based on need.

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